Coyote Club Aftercare
Coyote Club is our after-school program from 2 - 5:00 pm. This option allows currently enrolled families to lengthen the school day, and gives BFS alumni an opportunity to experience a bit of forest school as an after school enrichment program.
During Coyote Club, we take a pause from all the activity that we have experienced during our busy day. We take a moment to rest, reflect, and acknowledge that we are held by this earth. Children in our forest preschool and kindergarten program often begin Coyote Club with a quiet cozy time to complement their active morning. Coyote Club children coming from other schools, where they may have spent the morning primarily indoors, may have more of a need to actively explore the environment as a way to settle in.
If a child's needs are to release big bursts of energy though big movement, we have space for that. If a child's needs are quiet and soothing sensory input, we have space for that. If a child comes in ready to work in their nature journal, or build a fort, or go crayfishing, we have space for that. If a child is excited to play in a new adventure with their forest friends, we have space for that.
A forest kindergartener works with teacher Liana to reignite a fire using their "fire whistle".
Together, teachers offer stories, songs, whittling, music, archery, games and campfire cooking to the children during their time together. Coyote Club takes place near our forest school locations.
Chamomile tea on a chilly day.
Coyote Club Aftercare is available Mondays through Thursdays unless extreme or unsafe weather conditions causes us to cancel aftercare for that day. You may reserve an enrollment spot as a monthly plan for the school year, or on a shorter term / drop-in basis, if space allows. There is a maximum capacity of 12 children enrolled at a time.
Part-time enrollment: $35 / day
Year-long commitment: $300 / month
After building a cozy fort for himself, this forest kindergartener takes a fennel snack break.
Our flexible yet predictable schedule allows for children to feel comfortable and confident in the structure of the day. Here is an example of how a Coyote Club afternoon may look. Our transitions are determined by the needs and feelings of the group as a whole.
Sample Day
2pm—Children already on-site are invited to lay and rest, either listening to the birds or cloud gazing, etc. Some children may nap or rest at this time.
Children coming from other schools may continue to arrive until about 2:30pm, and often need to stretch and move their bodies, climbing and splashing as a way to connect with the space and settle in.
3 pm—Teachers begin to gather for a circle where we may sing songs, tell stories, and have a snack together. At this point, materials made available are presented to children. They are allowed to engage with these materials or play freely. This time belongs to the children, with teachers available for support.
4:30 - 5:00 pm— Caregivers arrive, and children depart with them, dirty and happy.